
Crisis of Faith, Crisis of Love is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Christian contemplative tradition has its roots in the gospel, and it is here that the spiritual journey common to man is first elaborated by Jesus himself. The richness of this tradition comes from the insights and example of those who through the centuries have lived in accordance with the guidance first presented in the gospels. The process of Christian transformation presented here as...

sake of the people surrounding me that they might believe that you have really sent me.” Jesus experienced another powerful movement of the Spirit within him, and called out with a mighty voice, foreshadowing his last great cry on Calvary: “Lazarus, come forth!” Not, “Come out,” but, “Come forth.” Come forth from your old life, which is more like death, to a life that is brand new. While the bystanders watched, “he who had been dead four days staggered forth, wrapped hand and foot with winding cloths,
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